Alaqua supplies to ASME & CE requirements evaporators, crystallizers, distillation plants, and solvent and oil recovery systems, for the Chemical, Environmental, Food, Pharmaceutical, and Power Generation industries. The operation to specifications. We educate your operators, We help you achieve the most cost-effective solutions, to increase your efficiency and increase your profits.
Alaqua serves a domestic and international base of customers.
3 major drawings: Process Flow drawing, P&I Drawing, and General Arrangement drawing with loads. Alaqua will supply the required size of vessels, pumps, and pipe work for the system, for the correct functioning of the unit. This will enable, once installed by the Customer, to have a fully operational system. Alaqua’s scope will include PFD, PID with specifications for pumps, piping size, control loops, instruments and controls, and GAD with the loads.
* Heating elements.
* Vapor separators, complete with all internals, including demisters.
* Surface Condenser.
* Vent gas condenser.
* TVR (Thermo-Vapor-Recompressor) or MVR.
* Vapor piping.
* Circulation pumps.
* Motors for circulation pumps.
* Liquid piping.
* Other Centrifugal pumps and their motors – per Alaqua P&ID.
* Vacuum system consisting of a liquid ring vacuum pump and motor with discharge tank and seal liquid cooling system. Skid mounted package.
* Valves and control valves – will be shown in P&ID.
* Instrumentation elements and control elements – to be shown in P&ID. PLC controls with PLC software programming, and PLC hardware.
Beams will be epoxy painted (or hot-dip-galvanized) for the structural steel. Structure will be welded (or bolted).According to Alaqua GAD, the system will be securely mounted by on one process equipment support structure. The structure will be designed by Alaqua to withstand the weights of the equipment and forces anticipated during operation and flooded conditions. Sub-systems within battery limits will be securely bolted/mounted, including piping, heaters, field instrumentation, pumps, etc. The connections between the structural components will be welded. Included are steel rails, steel ladder, catwalk, and gratings. The design will allow for maintenance access throughout the system. The structure will include platforms, catwalks, ladders, rails, and gratings, etc., per Alaqua GA drawing. The design will allow for maintenance access throughout the system.The structure will be built in the same manner that we build systems: Customer will submit geological data to its Structural Engineering Subcontractor for this matter. Alaqua will hire an Engineering group to review / revise / comment / modify and sign-off on the drawings.Client will need to supply the drains. During normal operation we drain little water; however Client should size the drain for housekeeping and any emergency drainage. We typically recommend a trough drain down the middle with tie ins for pump seals, vacuum pump drains, etc.
Assistance during commissioning and startup of the equipment will be provided by Alaqua on the basis of a per diem fee, plus travel and living expenses to be reimbursed at cost.
Our proposal offers a well-established technology, which is sturdy, reliable and easy to operate.
Alaqua will train the personnel designated by the Customer in proper operating and maintenance procedures during commissioning and start-up on the basis of a per diem fee, plus travel and living expenses to be reimbursed at cost.
Supplier’s on-site representation duration for startup and testing will be determined together with the client.
Supervision Services for Installation, Start-up, and Training: We will be pleased to supply such supervision services, at US $ 1,600.- per diem (discounted from USD 1,800 per diem), plus all reasonable portal-to-portal expenses.
The vendor shall supply a supervisor on site for: Erection supervision, Pre-commissioning check-out, Operational commissioning supervision, Training of staff, on basis of 8 hours per day on site. Training shall cover:
The training will partly be derived through direct participation in the erection, commissioning (=testing) and initial operation of the plant. This will enable the operators to become thoroughly familiar with the plant’s function and design and with proven trouble shooting procedures. Aside from training through direct participation at the job-site, the Customer may also, if he so wishes, send key personnel to our fabrication facility, to enable the O & M Staff to study the evaporator’s inner works and the design of each individual subsystem. This will be done at no charge, but his personnel’s transportation and living expenses should be covered by the Customer.
Alaqua shall also formally train the Client’s personnel in proper maintenance of the Plant for one day. The personnel employed by the Client and presented for such training should be suitably skilled and qualified.
To facilitate training, as well as ongoing operation and maintenance of the equipment module, Alaqua will supply an Operations & Maintenance Manual. This will contain complete specifications and supporting information on all the auxiliaries (such as pumps, motors and instrumentation), as well as copies of the Process Flow Drawing, Process Piping & Instrumentation Drawing and the General Arrangement Drawing.
Informal plus formal training will cover the following main topics:
Customer shall make a suitable classroom, audiovisual equipment, and duplication of training materials available.
We will be pleased to supply field services, at a per diem rate, including travel time, and portal to portal expenses, if these services are required.